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David B.

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I would like to share some of my genuine feelings for a valued professional, Dr. Bob Corcetti, who has guided me in many of my health care needs over the past 8-10 years. Dr. Bob is a very special person and a good friend. I stay in touch with him by phone, and he monitors my blood work every 12 months.

What I like most about Dr. Bob is that he is always recommending my supplements based on what my system requires according to my blood work. Also, the supplements he recommends are natural, food-based products and not pharmaceutical-based.

Dr. Bob recently helped me with a severe knee problem. I was in a lot of pain, and my medical doctors were talking about possible surgery. After explaining my knee problem to Dr. Bob, he recommended I go see a local chiropractor to measure the length of my right leg compared to my left. I did so, and the chiropractor found my right leg was 7 mm shorter than my left leg! With a new heel lift in my right shoe and adding collogen to my supplements (as Dr. Bob advised), the pain has gone away. I am gradually rebuilding my right leg.

There are several other ailments Dr. Bob has helped me with over the years, as well. Based on my personal experiences with Dr. Bob over the past 8-10 years, I would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to maintain a consistent degree of health in their life. I am still on a strong supplement program using the supplements recommended by Dr. Bob, and I plan to do so for a long time. I am 76 years old. I still work in my own consulting practice. My average blood pressure is usually 115-127/72-84, and I weigh 198 pounds. I give Dr. Bob much of the credit for the good health I enjoy!